VIII. Program for Students With Dyslexia or Related Disorders

Phase I

Step A

The teacher collects data on all students. The teacher identifies students who cannot keep up with the progress of most of his/her classmates in reading and writing.

Step B

Appropriate modifications are made in student's regular foundation program. The teacher may want to consider providing such students with a significant amount of time for reading connected text on a daily basis. This text should be at each student's independent and instructional level. Progress in word recognition, comprehension, and rare should be monitored.

Step C

Students who improve will remain in the regular classroom. Students who do not show progress may be at risk for dyslexia and related disorders. At risk students are then placed in programs, in PHASE II, III, or IV.

Phase II

Step A

Student is placed in remedial/compensatory program.

Step B

Students who show appropriate progress in reading and writing are mainstreamed back into the regular classroom as soon as possible. Students who show no progress in reading and writing achievement may be identified as having dyslexia or a related disorder.

Step C

Students identified as having moderate or mild dyslexia or a related disorder should be placed in Phase III program. Students identified as having severe dyslexia or a related disorder should be considered for evaluation by special education.

Phase III

Step A

Students are placed in PHASE Ill programs if they have been identified as having mild to moderate dyslexia or a mild to moderate related disorder.

Step B

Students who show immediate progress in these programs should move back to a regular foundation program or a remedial/compensatory programs as soon as possible. Students who show no progress may be at risk for having severe dyslexia or a related disorder and should be referred for evaluation to special education.

Phase IV

Special education services should be offered for those severely disabled students who are identified as having dyslexia or a related disorder. Students should be continually evaluated and mainstreamed into the regular foundation classroom as soon as possible.