Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder without Hyperactivity

The diagnostic process of this condition can be extensive and laborious. The differential diagnosis includes Central Auditory Processing Deficit, Absence Seizures, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. These three along with ADHD without Hyperactivity and Impulsivity are the Inattentive Learning Disorders (ILD). Because of the intricacy of the diagnosis process, physicians are sometimes forced to use the trial and error method in treating the ILD. This is not recommended for Absence Seizure, however, due to the side effects of the medications.

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder without Hyperactivity and Impulsivity presents with the prominence of inattention. The onset is prior to six years of age, lasting for greater than six months, and causes mal-adaptation. Six or more of the symptoms of inattention listed in Table # 3 as per the DSM-IV need to be present in two or more settings. The more prominent symptoms include: fails to complete tasks, easily distractible, difficulty adhering to tasks requiring sustained concentration, and losing things frequently. The Conner Rating Scale is diagnostic for the ILD; however; it does a poor job in distinguishing between these conditions. To obtain a diagnosis of ADHD without Hyperactivity and Impulsivity, one should first seek to rule out CAPD, AS and OCD, thus making it a diagnosis of exclusion.

Makes careless mistakes
Failure to complete tasks
Does not seem to listen
Easily distractible
Difficulty adhering to tasks requiring sustained concentration.
Poor organizational skills
Loses things frequently
Forgetful in daily activities
Table #3